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village appears as an organized settlement by the name Mosnikolas in a document
related to a census made by a Murad Bey in 1454 – 1455. The corruption of the name does
not possibly mean that the name does not refer to the present village. TAXATION CENSUS OF MESSENIKOLAS IN THE YEARS 1454-1455 This census was carried out in the years 1454-1455 for the Ottoman state
by MuradBey and his scribe. They went about all the villages of the region and recorded
the inhabitants, their crops and their occupations in general.
At the General State Archives in Karditsa there is a ledger in two
volumes published in Turkey in 2001. One volume contains the greatest part of
the census transliterated in the Latin alphabet and the other the whole census
in the Arabic script, which was previously in use all over the Ottoman Empire.
In order to render exactly the sounds he heard, the scribe used also Persian
characters, which makes the text for us harder to understand.
This ledger gives us a clear picture of the villages of our area during
the post Byzantine era. In the years of the census Messenikolaswas populated by
42 families, all Christian. The leaders of the 41 families were male and only
one family had a widow as a leader. 15 single males were also attested.
The main occupation of the people was, as it is even today, viticulture
as well as wine making. There were also cereal production, apiculture,
sericulture, linen crops and other such pursuits, which are thoroughly
mentioned in the census lists.
It is very interesting to note the names of the people. 14 families bore
the surname Vassilis, whereas the
widow was named ZoyaVassilova.
9 families had the surname Tzirtzis
and three the name Birtzagis. Among the names written in the
ledgerconcerning people from Messenikolas and its surrounding area, are still found
today, such as: Paskos, Tsoukalas,
Kardaras, Xenos. Our village was entered in the census ledger as Mosnikolas, which today in Rumanian
means Saint Nicholas or Uncle Nicholas.
The volume published in Turkey in 2001 includes in Latin script a great
part of the census along with a mapcontaining the villages: Voniş (Vounesi), Palads(Blasdo), Portice(Portitsa), AyioYorgi(AgiosGeorgios), Kirasia, (Kerasia) Istinko(Kryoneri), Bijila(Bezoula), Tatay(Lambero)
and others. Even Franco is mentioned, while there appears a settlement by the
name of Nikola Çapoga, in the
whereabouts of today’s Mitropolis.
Messenikolas was levied an annual tax of 2253 akce (aspra) payable to
the feudal lord or reeve of the villageḤüseyinveled-iTimürdār.
The same lord collected also the taxes from two Moslem villages of the
Thessalian plain, Kesanlu (near
today’s Kedros) and KizilkaSule. It
should be noted that the Moslem population paid fewer taxes as they did not
have to pay the ispence, a sort of
capital tax. The feudal lord, apart from collecting the taxes, had to fulfill
certain military obligations to the Sultan. The feudal administrative regime
was a Byzantine legacy to the Ottomans, who found it most useful to retain.
Messenikolas belonged to the sancak
(administrative area) of Trikala, which included the area from Nafpaktos as far
as Platamonas. This sancak comprised three vilayetsin our region. According
to the map Messenikolas, along with Kerasia, Vounesi and Blasdo, belonged to
the Fener (Fanari) vilayet. The remaining villages of the
Nevropolis plateau, from Istinkoand further
on, belonged to the Agrafavilayet.
The third and largest vilayet was the
one of Tirhala(Trikala).
We are deeply indebted to the Historian-Osmanologist of the National
Capodistrian University of Athens (Dpt of Turkic and Contemporary Asiatic
Studies) DrGeorgiosLiakopoulos for his careful task he undertook with great
willingness to transliterate and translate the text of the census.
Finally, this publication is dedicated to the memory of our
unforgettable friend and co-villager AlexandrosZoukas, who, more than a score
of years ago, was the first to draw our attention to this as then unpublished
Translated into English by MILITSIS VASSILIS The following is an exact translation of an excerpt of the census with a
number of explanatory references that DrLiakopoulos had the courtesy to point
1525, when the so called Treaty of Tamasion was signed granting autonomy to the
region of Agrafa, Messenikolas and the adjacent area had enjoyed a regime of
self-rule until the time of Ali Pasha of Yannina. The latter abolished the
autonomy of Agrafa in 1790 by violating the treaty.
next written evidence comes from a 1637 inscription which mentions the sponsor
of the frescoes painted in the village church, dedicated to the Holy Virgin.
another evidence arises from an unpublished deed of sales of 17 Nov, 1785
enacted between a certain resident, Stergios Psimmenopoulos or Psimmenos and a
Turk, called Hosinaga.
1821, along with the rest of Greece,
all the villages of Agrafa revolted against the Turks. In response to this
uprisal, Mahmud Pasha, Dramalis moved against them and his successor Mustai
Pasha of Skondra devastated the villages while he was heading towards
Karpenission in 1823.
the founding of the Greek State in 1833, Thessaly
remained under the Ottoman yoke. Messenikolas was designated as the seat of the
Nevropolis Gendarmerie Command, and ever since it had been the administrative
center of the surrounding area even after Thessaly was annexed to Greece
in 1881.
June 26, 1848 Messenikolas was raided by a gang of two hundred armed bandits.
The bandits made off with as much booty as they could carry loaded high on pack
animals they seized from the villagers.
1854 there was again a revolutionary movement, which was instantly quenched by
the Turks.
The revolution of 1878 boosted the morale of the Nevropolis residents
and gave wings to their hopes for independence. The rebels gathered at
Messenikolas in order to appoint a provisional administration for the Agrafa
district. The rebels issued a declaration with the following text: “we, the
residents of the different villages, have assembled together, charged with a
special assignment by our villages, to elect the members for the provisional
administration of Agrafa, save the Rentina Command. We have elected the
entrust these members with the clear assignment to govern the place according
to law, to bespeak our rights before independent Greece and Enlightened Europe,
and to act according to what they think proper for the administration of the
place, so that we may shake off the unbearable yoke of the Turkish Domination
and be united with Mother Greece under the scepter of our beloved and respected
King George I”
April 5, 1878, Mesinykola. The rulers of
the villages…